Dear user

In compliance with current European provisions (EU REGULATION 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL – of 27 April 2016) relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data and which repeals the directive 95/46/EC (general regulation on data protection), we invite you to carefully read this information which intends to clarify how the “sensitive” data of the interested parties (site users) will be acquired and processed by the data controller.

1 Data controller and managers

The data controller is:
Home Link Tuscany

The data manager is:
Home Link Tuscany

2 Acquisition of data, object and purpose of the treatment

Through the forms or other applications or contact references present within this site, and only with the prior and explicit or implicit consent of the interested party, the following will be collected: name, telephone and e-mail address of the user, sole purpose of providing the information and services requested by the interested party (e.g. dates of accommodation availability, prices or other general information on the activity, etc.).

Unless explicitly permitted by the user, commercial and advertising communications of any kind will never be sent.

3 Methods of treatment

The data collected through the contact forms and applications on this site will be processed with IT tools and stored in an unstructured way for a maximum period of 1 year from the termination of the relationships.

They will also be kept with adequate security measures to prevent their loss, illicit use and unauthorized access.

4 recipient

The recipients of the collected data are exclusively the following:
Home Link Tuscany

5 Rights of the interested parties

The interested parties to whom the acquired data refer have the right to ask the data controller to access their personal data and to correct or cancel them or limit their processing or to oppose their processing, in addition to the right to data portability.

The interested parties to whom the acquired data refer have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Interested parties may exercise their rights with an express request by sending an email or a registered letter to the data controller

Use of the site


All texts, images, information or any other graphic or textual element present on this site are the property of the site owner or acquired with a regular license for use from other companies or professionals.
Therefore, its copying or use for any purpose is prohibited.

Legal notices

Despite careful verification by the site owner or another person in charge of updating operations, all texts, images and information present within the site itself, including links to other websites, do not imply any liability towards of the site owner or other person in charge of its management, for any damages deriving from the use of the information material contained.

Therefore, all users who use the information on this site are required to verify its accuracy.

By accessing this site, the user implicitly declares that he has read, understood and accepted the information contained in the Legal Notes and Copyright and declares to observe all applicable laws and regulations.